Reloading data

The Qommentary Form extension allows you seamlessly reload Form data and reflect the updated changes on your application in real-time.

Enabling app reload

1. Edit your sheet 2. Expand the Reload section

3. Click on the switch control to Enable app reload

Reload triggers

When app reload is enabled, saving data will automatically trigger an application reload.

If you wish to disable automatic trigger and allow users to manually reload the application when desired, please follow these steps:

1. Edit your sheet 2. Expand the Reload section

3. Click on Manual button

A Refresh app button will now be visible in the Form:

Reload types

When reloading form data, there's two (2) types of data reloads: partial and full.

By default, a partial application reload is executed. A partial reload keeps all tables in the data model and then executes only Load and Select statements preceded by an Add, Merge, or Replace prefix.

If instead you wish to execute a full application reload, just check the Full option:

Customized background and text color

To customize the Refresh button background and font colors please follow the below steps

Last updated