

Text and Background cell color

To customize each cell text and background color, please follow these steps:

  1. Edit the sheet

  2. Select the Qommentary Table extension

  3. Expand the dimension or measure properties

  4. Type in a text/background color or derive the value from an expression

Cell alignment

To customize horizontal and vertical text alignment on cells, please follow these steps:

  1. Edit the sheet

  2. Select the Qommentary Table extension

  3. Expand the dimension or measure properties

  4. Choose a horizontal and vertical alignment option

Column width

To customize column widths, please follow these steps:

  1. Edit the sheet

  2. Select the Qommentary Table extension

  3. Expand the dimension or measure properties

  4. Drag the slider to set a column width in pixels


Background and text color

To customize the header's text and background color, please follow these steps:

  1. Edit the sheet

  2. Select the Qommentary Table extension

  3. Expand Appearance > Header properties

  4. Choose a background and font color option


Font size

To customize the cell font size, please follow these steps:

  1. Edit the sheet

  2. Select the Qommentary Table extension

  3. Expand Appearance > Rows properties

  4. Type in a font size or derive the value from an expression

Last updated