Adding comments to rows

The Qommentary Table Extension adds by default an extra column which allows users to input comments. This feature is extremely useful to collaborate on datasets and seek feedback from multiple users.

Creating comments

2. If you are the first one to leave a comment, click on the “Add a comment” button

3. Write your comment and click on the “Add” button

4. Your new comment has been added!

Editing comments

Once a comment has been added, either by you or someone else, you may choose to update it.

To edit a comment, you must be either:

  • a Root Admin

  • an Editor Admin or

  • have Update Commentary permissions on the resource

If you wish to edit a comment, please follow these steps:

  1. Update your comment

3. Click on the Save button 4. Your comment has been updated!

Deleting comments

To delete a comment, you must be either:

  • a Root Admin

  • an Editor Admin or

  • have Delete Commentary permissions on the resource

  1. Click on the Delete button

3. Your comment has been deleted!

Searching comments

Once all comments are displayed for a specific row, you may search for a specific comment by typing any word found on the message or by author name.

To search in comments, follow these steps:

  1. Click in the search field

2. Start typing a search term 3. The list of comments will be filtered by the searched term

Last updated