
There are two (2) types of groups in Qommentary: AD Groups and Custom groups.

AD groups are inherited from Qlik Sense user attributes and identified as “AD” in Qommentary. AD groups are refreshed and updated every time Users are synced in Qommentary. AD Groups cannot be added, edited or deleted with the Qommentary Manager.

Custom groups are created in the Qommentary environment and identified as “Custom”. Custom groups allow you to create additional groups of users which might not be available in AD. Custom groups can be added, edited or deleted with the Qommentary Manager.

Creating a group

1. Click on Create group

2. Enter a name and description (optional) and click Create

Editing a group

1. Click on the pencil icon next to the group you wish to edit

2. Click on Edit

3. Update user details and click on Save

Deleting a group

1. Click on the garbage bin next to the group you wish to delete

2. When the confirmation window pops up, click on Delete

Adding users to groups

1. Click on Add users

2. Start typing the name of a group/s and select from the list

3. When ready, click on Add

Removing a user from a group

1. Click on the garbage bin icon next to the user you wish to remove

Searching for users

1. Click on the Filter text field

2. Start typing a group name 3. Group list will be filtered by the search term

Last updated