
Number controls accepts whole numbers with decimal formatting options.

Data type: number

Adding a Number control

1. Edit your sheet 2. Click on the Qommentary Writeback extension 3. Expand Input Column section 4. Click on Add column

5. Select Switch from the dropdown menu

6. Add a label to be displayed as a column header

7. Add a field name

If database is selected as data connection, then field name must map to destination table column name.

Field name cannot contain spaces.

8. Click on Done

Number input column can now be updated and saved.

Integer data types

By default, Number controls are setup as Integers. Integers will accept whole numbers which don't exceed 10 digits and where values lie between -2147483648 and +2147483647.

Changing the max integer limit

To customize the maximum amount of digits that can be entered, please follow these steps:

1. Edit your sheet 2. Click on the Qommentary Writeback extension 3. Expand the Input Columns section and Number column 4. Search for the Max integer limit property

5. Change the max value

The Number control will now prevent saving if the value exceeds the limit defined.

Float data types

Floats will accept whole numbers with decimals and values must not exceed 15 digits.

Changing the max digit limit

To customize the maximum amount of digits that can be entered for the whole number part, please follow these steps:

1. Edit your sheet 2. Click on the Qommentary Writeback extension 3. Expand the Input Columns section and Number column 4. Search for the Max whole number limit property

5. Change the max value

6. Change the decimals

The Number control will now prevent saving if the value exceeds the limit defined and will format decimals to the chosen value.

Last updated