Saving and reverting

Once a Qommentary Writeback table has been setup and published to a stream, business users will start collaborating by entering and saving data.

Saving data

To save data to the destination table (file or database), please follow these steps:

1. Open a Qommentary Writeback extension

2. Input some data

3. Click on Save button

Data has been saved to the destination table:

To allow data to be saved to destination table, the extension must contain a valid connection and all fields must be valid.

Reverting data

If you start making some changes, and wish to revert to the last state when data was saved, you can Revert data.

To revert data, please follow these steps:

1. Load table with data

3. Make some changes

4. Click on Revert button

5. Once the confirmation modal has appeared, click on the Revert button

Data has been reverted successfully

Last updated