A step-by-step guide on installing Qommentary on-premises.
When you're ready to install Qommentary, launch the Qommentary Setup Wizard as an administrator.
1. Click on I Agree to accept the License Agreement
2. Choose the install destination folder or leave as default
3. Choose if you wishto install a local PostgreSQL database or connect to an existing instance
Install local database
Field | Description |
Hostname | The database hostname. Uses localhost by default. |
Port | The database port number |
User name | The superuser name |
User password | The superuser password |
Confirm password | Confirm superuser password |
Connect to existing instance
Field | Description |
Hostname | The database hostname. Uses localhost if Qommentary is hosted on same server. |
Port | The database port number |
User name | The superuser name |
User password | The superuser password |
Make sure the database user credentials have superuser rights.
4. Enter details for your Qlik Sense environment
Field | Description |
Protocol | The Qlik Sense protocol name |
Hostname | The Qlik Sense hostname (FQDN) |
Port | The Qlik Sense port number |
Prefix | The Qlik Sense default virtual proxy prefix |
Certificate name | The Qlik Sense client certificate friendly name |
Make sure the Qlik Sense hostname can be resolved from the Qommentary server as well as any network client laptop.
5. Enter details for the Qommentary components hosted in IIS
Field | Description |
Protocol | The protocol used to access the Qommentary components |
Same as Qlik Sense | Indicates whether Qommentary is being installed on same server as Qlik Sense |
Hostname | If previous option is unchecked, specify hostname/FQDN used to access the Qommentary components |
Certificate | SSL certificate applied to the Qommentary components. |
Username | Local admin account to run the Qommentary Application Pool. Recommended to use a service account with access to certificate private keys in the Local Computer store. |
Password | Local admin account password |
Confirm password | Confirm local admin account password |
If an SSL wildcard certificate is available, please update each Qommentary component binding using the IIS Manager after installation.
6. Enter details for Qommentary ports
7. Click on Install
8. Once the installation has completed, you should see a confirmation screen
If any issues were encountered during installation, please refer to the Troubleshooting section
9. Click on Launch Qommentary Manager to open a new browser and activate your license
Last updated