
If you wish to uninstall Qommentary from your environment, please follow these steps:

1. Go to Programs and Features -> Uninstall or change a program

2. Search for Qommentary and select it

3. Click on Uninstall

4. Once the Qommentary Uninstall Utility launches, click on Uninstall

Tick "Remove database and logs" if you also wish to delete the Qommentary Database and log files

If you would like to perform a full uninstall, the following tasks would need to be manually ran:

  1. Delete all Qommentary endpoints whitelisted under the default virtual proxy (QMC)

  2. Delete all Qommentary extensions (QMC)

  3. Delete the PostgreSQL Qommentary Database. Sometimes the database might not be removed by the uninstaller due to insufficient permissions

  4. Delete the Logs folder under C:\Program Data\Qommentary

Optional uninstalls

  1. Delete the QlikClient certificate (if not used by another application)

  2. Uninstall the .NET Core Hosting Bundle (if not used by another application)

  3. Uninstall IIS (if not used by another application)

Last updated